How good are your CREDIBILITY BUILDING Skills?

Building credibility is creating an environment of harmony, consonance, agreement, or accord through carefully planned and executed activities that encourage this result.

The ability to establish, grow, extend and restore trust is the key professional and personal competency of our time Stephan Covey

Instructions for CREDIBILITY BUILDING Assessment

  • For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you. Please answer questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be), and don't worry if some answer makes you feel that you might score less.

  • Choose the option that is most relevant to you from the following options - Strongly Agree (SA)/ Agree (A)/ Neither Agree nor Disagree (NAND)/ Disagree (D)/ Strongly Disagree (SD)

  • When you are finished, please click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the assessment to get your CREDIBILITY BUILDING Assessment Score

  • Your assessment score will be on the four techniques of Building Credibility – Properness, Nobleness, Explore common ground and Competence. Get to know about these techniques in detail by signing up for our free email newsletter and get ‘Art of Building Credibility e-Book’ FREE as the Subscription bonus

S. No.Personality TraitSAANANDDSD
1You are particular about personal hygiene
2You dress up well
3You meet and greet people with a smile, courtesy and respect
4You respect rules
5You often appreciate other people
6You believe in adding value to others
7You believe in the quote "There are no perfect men, only perfect intentions"
8You fulfill your commitment/ Promise
9You always try to strike win win situations
10People look at you as a "Solution Provider"
11You cultivate new interests
12You are a good conversationalist
13You are friendly and you like meeting people
14You are fun to be with and you see the humorous side of life
15You are an opinionated person
16As a student you know your subjects/ As a professional you know your Products, Processes, Systems and Competition
17You are good at General Knowledge and Current Affairs
18You stay current on Technology Trends and Innovations
19You are an avid reader
20You are able to understand others and get understood by others