Tips to grasp an opportunity through a Good Presentation

"No audience ever complained about a presentation or speech being too short” Stephen Keague
Presentation, a terminology that incorporates the way of spreading information regarding a particular topic to a number of people. Presentations are usually conducted in the form of seminars, demonstrations, open topic discussions, etcetera and hold an intention to generate new ideas. Presentations done in the form of particular formats are known as keynote addresses. It usually follows a pattern of an opening speech followed by the main body of the text and a conclusion in the end to give a brief gist.
Presentation skills on the other hand are the act of presenting a particular topic in an effective and engaging manner by taking care of the tone of your voice, concepts that require more focus, the design in which your styles are portrayed, and the body language with which one communicates.
“Proper planning and presentation prevents poor performance”.
Stephen Keague
There are certain tips that one must follow in order to keep up the extraordinary skills, wherein the sentence shall be crisp and concise and the sentence structure shall be as simple as possible. The portrayal of ideas shall be done in a way that it does not bore the audience as one should not forget the fact that the audience is lending their ears and not their eyes.
Go with the flow and avoid stammering or repeating the same thing again and again. While listening the audience naturally tries to imbibe the concept and start considering themselves at your place in order to draw conclusions. Also, remember that portrayal of information matters more than the subject matter.
Importance of presentation skills
“A good orator is pointed and impassioned”
Marcus.T. Cicero
Nothing comes so easily in life, the one has to conquer all challenges in the journey of becoming successful. In order to earn a good reputation and fame under the eyes of your superiors, incorporating good presentation skills is a must. The greatest presenters are the ones who have a good knack for communicating. It requires guts and high confidence to speak in a crowd. Stage fear is very common, however, one must practice the delivery of the message beforehand and rock the show. The speech delivered shall be clear and incorporate professional etiquettes.
Moving further, presentation skills will always enhance the domain of your knowledge and enhance your career opportunities. It is important to have the tact of presenting your ideas or selling your mind to someone who is giving you money. This can only happen if you have good presentation skills.
It is advised to not deliver sluggish content as it will lead to boredom. Experienced presenters know how to eliminate unnecessary details and come to a point. Keeping in mind the time factor, the presenter can present the topic in an appropriate way. Last but not the least, incorporating good presentation skills helps you acquire a strong network system. People often want to work with intellectual minds, great talents, and someone who is adaptive to new innovations with time.
Ways to Improve your presentation skills
“In presentation or speeches, less really is more”.
Stephen Keague
The talent of presentation skills is not inborn therefore it takes time to acquire these skills. Some people grasp the concept very easily while others take time. There are ways that can help you improve your presentation skills. The first and foremost is to practice, before the day of formal deliverance of the speech, one should practice it to avoid glitches at the end moment. Speaking out loud with proper voice modulation in front of your friend can be a good way of practice as you will know your shortcomings beforehand.
Arriving early on the day of the presentation can improve your performance as a last-moment rehearsal makes you more alert. Consider that surrounding as your comfort zone, as it will not hamper your tone of voice and let you give a clear speech. Meet and greet the audience or people around before your presentation and make them feel that you are a confident and likable person. Many people go through nerve-racking situations however, it is very uncertain that you will get a stupid audience. Usually, people sitting opposite to you are a bunch of educated people who would feel sympathetic, if you commit any mistake during your presentation. It is very unlikely to have certain circus mongers as your audience.
Take a deep breath and try to inhale maximum oxygen to relax and calm your body. Keep your muscles tightened and present your topic unhesitantly. Focus on your pauses as stopping in between the lines and having eye contact with your audience keeps them engaged and keeps you confident. It is agreed that presentation requires mentioning of details in all aspects but that doesn't mean that you will address the audience with excessive information. Providing overloaded information will be a minus, thus keep your words short and crisp.
Consider yourself a common man speaking to gain knowledge and spread knowledge. Pretending to know all answers will not give a good impression as the human mind cannot know everything. Thinking in mind as to how the audience will react to your presentation will just ameliorate your anxiety and fear. Present your topic freely, with a smile on your face and you are good to go.
It is certainly important to evaluate your presentation skills, to avoid miscommunication, and keep going with the flow. Presenting your topic to the audience through visuals will be a cherry on the cake as representation through pictures will create a significant impact on the listeners. Also, the deliverance of the content shall be done in a way that it is engaging the audience.
“You can speak well, if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”
John Ford
Reference Links
- (2011). Top Tips for Effective Presentations | SkillsYouNeed. [online] Available at:
- (n.d.). Presentation Skills Books. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2021].
- Suzanne (2021). Tips for Making Group Presentations Over Zoom. [online] Presentation Training Institute. Available at:
- (n.d.). Digital PresentationEntrepreneurship SkillsGreen skills - [online] Available at:
- (2014). 20 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills. [online] Available at:
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