Moderate Mind, An Essence Of Great Philosophy

The concept of “Philosophy” as a term was put forward by Pythagoras. The root of the term was in greek, Philosophia, meaning “love of wisdom”. The initialization of the idea was to have an acquisition and amalgamation of all the subjects composed into one. An individual embodying a sense of understanding the world, the cosmos, and the community holds the entitlement of being called a “philosopher”. The nature of ideas in philosophy holds a transcendental and general recognition. The analytical mind frame is the fundamental aspect in the field of philosophy.
"Science is what you know, philosophy is what you don't know” (Bertrand Russell). It is not easy to understand the brainwave of philosophy for a common man. The philosophical school of thought sets forth a comprehensive understanding of all bodies of knowledge that includes, religion, existence, nature, education, politics, culture, history, etcetera. The vastness of this domain is indescribable. The study of philosophy gives the license to a human mind to think freely and be opinionative. In the end, the way you think is all that matters.
The field of philosophy manifolds itself through various categories namely, Epistemology, Logic, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, Metaphysics, and Ethics. These terminologies in a broader sense make affiliation with the field of philosophy and help us understand the constitution of the abstract ideas. Epistemology infers the study of nature in a philosophical manner and a comprehensive understanding of the surroundings. Logic infers the analytical reasoning of concepts by drawing general and analytical conclusions. Aesthetics infers the study of the beauty of nature and all its forms. The concept of value judgment plays a key role in this category of philosophy.
Political philosophy infers a detailed study of legal matters related to the government and the law. Metaphysics infers the study of being and non-being, reality and virtuality in a way that it has a fundamental value in philosophy. Ethics infers the study of moral values and gives the potential to be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Initially, the concept of science and philosophy were a single entity. However, with the advancement in modern science, the conventional scientific questionnaire fell into recognition in the field of “natural philosophy”. Maintaining the norm, natural philosophy incorporated empiricism and was termed as “science” to be a separable part of the philosophy.
Terming philosophy to be a scientific theology is not justifiable. “Man is the measure of all things” (Pythagoras). Every person inculcates a particular philosophy of life within oneself and abides with the same. The assemblage of practical thoughts takes place in the minds of an individual on an everyday basis. Talking in general, human minds exist to flourish in their life. However, feeding positive thoughts to your mind will refrain from negativity and inculcate enrichment in the mind. More than just earning bread and butter, having the right direction of philosophy can help you remain goal-oriented and achieve immense success in life.
Often our theories and assumptions are dominated by the big game of various kinds of emotions. The suffering of humankind depends upon the way they treat their life. To combat the sufferings, the study of philosophy helps to have control over the emotions of an individual. “Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of the human pursuits” (William Jones). Having taken note of the emotions being attached with the interpretations, visioning of life, and theories, it is important for an individual to introspect and figure their life accordingly.
It is very important to follow the same pattern of the formulation of philosophy on a daily basis. A set pattern of philosophy will make the brain of an individual react automatically as you want it to react, making it a habit. One cannot have definite control over the uncertainties in life but can control the way you react to them. The deliverance of automated arrangement of thoughts makes an individual a better person. “It's no good if you just do philosophy in the classroom, you are kind of shipwrecked when you head out into the street.” (Epictetus).
Reading books improves the thought process of an individual resulting in inessential enhancement of knowledge. The world is seen in a better way as it reduces stress among individuals, incorporating the least chances of frustration in life. Focus and concentration are two bro cards of being identified as a good reader. A healthy upbringing of children and the young generation will make them an asset for the world and not burdensome wellbeing. Everyone in some way or the other contributes some energy to the Universe. In addition, the youngsters after entering adulthood have the potential to handle social competence, acquire calmness in attitude and face the challenges positively.
Talking about real-life experiences being responsible for a great philosophical mind, it is observed that such experiences make an individual capable of bearing afflictions and sink through the hardships of life. A strong mind tends to focus on the solution rather than the problem. Individuals become more intuitive about the certainties and the uncertainties coming through their way and deal with them accordingly. “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” ( Marcus Aurelius).
Having a balanced philosophical mind will keep an individual away from all the negativity as it is very important to live a quality life. The prospect of logical reasoning and an escalated point of view make an individual understand the philosophical domain in a better way. Rational thinking refrains the dominance of emotions over the mind and lets a person think from the brain rather than the heart. It is often said that a man is known by his company and the sum total of five friends around you constitute your inner development. Withstanding all theories, the functionality of a unique mind depends on the inculcation of the unique philosophy in an individual.
Reference Links
- (2019). The Basics of Philosophy: A huge subject broken down into manageable chunks. [online] Available at:
- Castleton University. (2019). Castleton University. [online] Available at:
- (n.d.). MINI POLIGLOTINI - Multilingual books for children. [online] Available at: .
- Thought Economics. (2021). Home. [online] Available at:
- (2019). Homework Help and Textbook Solutions | bartleby. [online] Available at:
- Evolutionary Philosophy. (n.d.). Evolutionary Philosophy. [online] Available at: .
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